Faq's, Tips, Misc

1# Why Paleo?
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCFZoqmKf5M

2# But I can't stop eating rice
Fuck that.

3# Where do I get my carbs from? Will I go weak on my knees and eventually die?
Weak yes, if you're faint at heart and not even willing to try. Die? One day we all will. 21 days may actually increase your chances of not dying sooner.
And you get your carbs in the form of complex carbs (those with high Glycemic Index) from healthy sources like fruit and brown rice. Having said guess what happens if you don't take enough carbs but a lot of protein. You force the body to use fat cells first, protein (muscle later)

4# When should I workout?
Best times to workout are 4 - 6, when the glycogen levels are at their peak. A lot of us don't have that liberty unfortunately. So just pick a time that works and allow a 24 hour recovery period before your next workout.

5# How long before a workout should I eat?
A minimum of 1 hour?

6# Cheat meal, why?
So you can reward yourself for a job well done. Its like taking a breather. But you must push yourself while keeping an eye on the prize.

7# I'm a vegetarian
I was too. But I slowly incorporated chicken breasts to get high quality protein. If you absolutely can't do it, there's tofu, soy, meat substitutes out there. Another alternative is to supplement yourself with protein smoothies (whey + water + berries + peanut butter etc)

8# Why am I not lifting weights?
This is not meant to be a strength training program (unless you're doing level2). This is a total body conditioning workout for a very good reason. Our bodies cannot selectively burn fat or put on muscle. For example, doing ab exercises everyday wont give you a flat tummy. So, you must focus on total body conditioning to get overall fitness. Once you get past that, you can selectively strengthen certain parts of the body. Its true muscle burns more fat. However, the key is to trimming fat while building muscle. That my friends is the key to sustainable weight loss

9# I feel dizzy during or after workouts?
Just as a car won't run without fuel. Your body wont function without the right foods. So eat a banana before workouts unless otherwise stated. And most importantly keep sip a cup of water ever 15 minutes into your exercise.

10# Supplements
If you're doing level 2, supplements are critical. I use jack3d on days I need to lift, scivation xtend during my workout and whey protein immediately after workout.

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