Monday, March 19, 2012

Before And After Results

Before (BF - 16%)
                                                                             After (BF - 11%)

Before (BF - 16%)

After (BF - 11%)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 21 of 21

warm up: 4 minutes of jump rope
wod: with a partner complete for time
2000m row
100 wall balls
150 situps

Food: whatever the fuck I wanted

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 20 (Strength training)

The workout

Its down to the last bit so I decided to do some lifting. My gym has very limited equipment so I mostly focus on upper body strength training.
6 sets - bicep curls (1 super set) (peak @ 45)
6 sets - lat rows (peak @ 140)
3 sets - lat press (peak @ 140)
6 sets - chest press (peak @ 130)
3 sets - tricep extensions

7 am - banana
9 am - protein smoothie with banana and blueberries
11. am - 1 roti with 2 egg omelette
12.40 - 3 roties with eggplant and 1 greek yogurt
2.30 - 2 scoop casein
6.00  - 3 chicken samosas + 3 biscottis
9.00 pm - 2 rotis + 2 cup rice + palak paneer + turkey keema + chicken curry + 2 rasmalais

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 19 - Crossfit

the workout
750m row and light warmup followed by
20 Thrusters @ 75lbs
2 rope climbs
30 lunge steps

3 rounds in 18.14

the food
8.30 am - protein smoothie (2 scoops whey + water + apple juice and blueberries)
10 am - 1 wheat roti with 2 egg omelette
11.30 am - 2 wheat roti with chicken curry
2.00 pm - fage greek yogurt
4.00 pm - planters peanuts + and nature valley, oats and dark chocolate.
0.00 pm - 2.5 rotis with turkey keema

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 18 - Crossfit

4 more days to go!!!

Strict Press 4X5 @ 75lbs
Run 400m 
12 Pushups
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders

(4 rounds) + 400m run

breakfast - protein smoothie with apple
snack - pasta
lunch - thai cashew chicken with brown rice and pad thai
snack - pad thai leftover
dinner - 2 rotis with chicken curry
late night - casein

total: 2,133
carbs: 241
fats: 73
protein: 139 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 17 - cardio

45 minute elliptical cardio

Omelette with 2 slices wheat bread + banana
lunch - chicken salad
snack - 1 banana
dinner - tofu and veggies

Day 16 (Strength Training)

Workout - Upper body weight training at the gym downstairs.

Food - 
Breakfast - protein shake
lunch - 3 egg omelette
snack - 2 scoop casein
dinner - chicken salad + 0.5 cup rice
late night - chicken wings