Saturday, February 25, 2012

day 14 (Interval on Elliptical)

Wanted to take it kinda easy today being a weekend and all. Had to do some running around but managed to squeeze in about 45 minutes of interval on the elliptical

Most machines offer the option to do interval training, I wish you could preset the duration of the interval since the standard is like 2 min on/off. With some light stretching I did 2min @4 (OFF) and 2min @ 12 (ON). It wasn't a bad workout, but compared to everything else, at the end of it I felt like all I had fatigued was my quads. I'm going to research this a bit more. But I'd assume I burned around 450 cals on this one.

9am - banana
10.30am - indian chai + parle g + 2 egg whites
1.00pm lunch - turkey keema with 3 rotis
3.00pm apple
7.00 pm 2 rotis + keema
10.00 pm casein

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