Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 3 of 21 (Crossfit)

The Workout - 
Every now and then I appreciate technology for making life easier. Today I want to thank my snooze button. The alarm woke up me @ 6.00 but I was demotivated and sore (not tired sore but swollen sore) and exhausted. About 10 snoozes later, I decided to just pull myself out of bed and not slip. Rushed to grab my banana and drove straight to xfit. Saw Regina from work who comes in @ 6am and drives all the way from Kenmore. That's it, put my head in the game right away. So this is what the workout was

Warm up and mobility work followed by this shit

12 Minute KettleBell cycle, DO NOT SET THE BELL DOWN!
(2 minutes a hand, then switch)
1 Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean Thruster
1 Clean and Jerk

Run run run!
6x 200m
1:2 Work to Rest
Score equals fastest 200m Run

I'm not sure what kinda twisted mind (Rob) designed this. But a sprint interval training after a KB workout like that is just plain wrong. I finished it on the hour, with my best 200m Run - 34 seconds. Towards the end I felt like the screws in my acl were going to come ripping out.  I'm just glad I survived the damn thing. Thank you Mr Snooze :-)

6.30 am - banana + water
8.15 am - 1 scoop whey with water
12.00 pm - grilled chicken kebabs with sauteed veggies (wifey's recipe)
2:00 pm - 2 scoops protein shake
4:00 pm - carrots with almond butter
7:00 pm - 

Calories: 2051

1. Motivating myself to get up @ 6.30 am
2. Struggling to finish wod...sucked.

1. Another day without slipping :-)

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