Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 9 of 21 (Strength training)

My biggest accomplishment to date has not been losing 40lbs, but actually keeping it off for about 9 months now. Per all the credible material I've read, "Sustainable weight loss" comes from 3 things
1. First losing fat
2. Growing lean mass to keep the fat off
3. Lifestyle change (thinking healthy, eating healthy and making it part of the routine)
Not sure why I'm just rambling right now, probably reminding myself of what makes a difference, also makes a difference :-)

The workout
Bicep curls
lat press
lat rows
chest press
shoulder press

Breakfast - protein shake and bananas
lunch - left over pasta with veggies
pear for snack
pesto chicken with strawberry fields salad for dinner
casein right before bed

Carbs: 164
Protein: 214
Fat: 51
Total: 1921 (YAY!, right on mark for the first time)

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