Monday, February 13, 2012

Disclaimer and the NO-List

I"m no medical professional or a certified trainer. Just an average Joe who likes to learn by making mistakes and carving his own paths. If you choose to follow this, do so at your own risks. I do ask that you follow the NO-LIST strictly. It is there for a reason, and the reason is your good health!

1. The NO NO NO List
- NO sodas, sports drinks, candies, baked goods, sweetened tea or coffee
- NO Alcohol
- NO Eating after 8PM
- NO Fried Foods, baked goods
- NO white stuff (white bread, white rice, muffins etc)
- NO fatty salad dressings like blue cheese, cesar or thousand island
2. Eat before your workout unless otherwise specified (example cardio on empty stomach)
3. Buy these Postworkout supplements - ON whey protein, ON Casein protein, fish oil, multi vitamin
4. Limit dairy, if you must go with Fat free - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt
5. Get minimum 8 hour sleep
6. Drink minimum 125 oz water
7. Vegetarians may replace chicken with tofu
8. All exercises can be conducted at home. Please use good shoes, knee pads and yoga mats where applicable
9. Most will follow the exercise Level 1 journal. If you want to consider Level 2, please talk to me
10. Most dinners may be replaced with spinach salad + grilled chicken

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