Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 6 of 21 (Failed attempt!)

With only a few hours of sleep, there was no way I was going to be able to make it to crossfit on Saturday. I already had the day planned, workout, photo shoot with a friend, cheat meal. It was going to be tough to manage all this with the nasty cold that felt like brain aneurysm each time I sneezed. I knew I was going to cheat BIG time, but was hoping to not go too overboard.

8am - 2 bananas
11 am - Indian poha (rice) with sweetened tea (emotional eating from the hangover)
late lunch 2pm - 4 colonel kebabz
5pm - veggie sandwich
7pm - chicken kebab roll

That and NO workout. Felt miserable this day. One week into my challenge and I'm beat. Not only that, I'm down with this nasty bug which feels horrible, body ache, constant sneezing and terrible headache. Fuck this!

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